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Invaders Bay

Invaders Bay

Our Sustainable Development Mystery.

The enigma of sustainable development in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) is one of life’s greatest mysteries.  In the 119 years of T&T’s hydrocarbon industry, the idea of economic diversifi…

Review of Register of Pesticides Long Overdue.

Our Government has a duty to ensure that the food we put into our bodies is clean, healthy, and most importantly will not kill us! On 18th August 2021, the Biden Administration banned the use of the c…

Has Our PM Abandoned As?

Day 8: Paria Fuel Oil Spill Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) have received video reports that oil has surfaced in La Brea, Fullerton, and Cedros. This would mean that since  7th August  20…

Paria Fuel Are Covering Up Oil Spills.

SkyTruth, an international Non-Governmental Organization, which uses satellite imagery to monitor environmental threats, have indicated on their Facebook Page that there was a notable presence of…

Is The Deep Blue Sea A Large Dustbin For The Energy Sector?

Below is a statement made by FFOS on new studies investigating hydrocarbon contamination in the Gulf of Paria  THE DEEP BLUE SEA IS A LARGE DUSTBIN FOR THE ENERGY SECTOR …

Our Gulf Must Be Protected

Today Fishermen and Friends of the Sea – FFOS once again ventured into the Gulf of Paria after receiving reports from fishers that last night the oil spilt destroyed 4 fishers nets. Strea…

Privatization Without Transparency

The Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan has announced the privatization of the Port of Port of Spain. Most citizens recognize that politicians have committed heinous crimes in the past and a…

World Oceans Day 2021

Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) today recognizes World Oceans Day 2021. It is safe to say that after almost 30 years of recognizing this day Trinidad and Tobago has shown no significant change…

World Environment Day 2021

Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) recognize World Environment Day 2021. In spite of nearly 50 years of this United Nations celebration, and in spite of decades of activism, what have we really a…

Dancing on the OPR’s Grave

Five months after a dagger was wrenched into the heart of our fleeting aspirations for transparency and accountability in Governments buying and selling, our Leaders have returned to dance on the Offi…

There is no Planet B

In celebrating the 51st Earth Day, FFOS reflect on environmental management in TT. Earth is our home but for decades our voiceless and vulnerable have been at the mercy of destructive (often…

Our Ongoing Waste Crisis

Dear Editor/Newsroom,  On 12th April 2021, before a Joint Select Committee, Mr. Ronald Milford, Solid Waste Management Company Limited (SWMCOL) Chairman stated that 95% (700,000 tons) of our c…

FFOS Appeal to President Weekes

Today Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) have written to Her Excellency, President Paula Mae Weekes (ORTT), appealing to her to not proclaim the Public Procurement and Disposal of Property (Amend…

A Response to Minister Sinanan

Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) thank the Minister of Works and Transport for his response to our social media video “Our country is being sold secretly”,  dated 12th March 2021 …

Is 17.5B TTD a Planned Leakage?

Despite persistent warnings by our Auditor General and several independent international agencies, the extractive industry hemorrhage of the public purse continues with Cabinet’s blessings. In tw…

Another Legal Battle for Transparency

On October 16th, 2020, after three months of unanswered appeals, Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) visited the Nabarima, a Venezuelan Fuel Storage and Offloading Vessel, which was listing danger…

Preventing Leatherback Slaughter

Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) have today written to the Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh appealing to him to reconsider his decision to refuse Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) permissio…

World Wildlife Day Message.

Today as we celebrate the importance of World Wildlife Day, Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) laments the ongoing destruction of the Aripo Savannas.  This legally designated Environmentally…

Politicians to blame for WASA

The Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) 10Billion debt nightmare is one of many drains on our economy. Every state enterprise suffers from inflated procurement costs, kickbacks, nepotism, low producti…

NGO Files Complaint Against Fort George Housing Developer


The yardstick of enforcement must be re-examined.

The ruthless drowning of dozens of birds in Cedros (see press report https://trinidadexpress.com/newsextra/exotic-birds-sacrificed-as-smugglers-throw-them-overboard/article_2192801c-a5a5-11ea-b8b…

Point Fortin Oil Spill

FFOS are deeply concerned that another oil spill is occurring tonight Sunday 7th June 2020 at the Heritage Refinery Tank Farm in Point Fortin. The Police have cordoned off the area. FFOS fully disa…

A call for robust management of the Sargussum threat.

This is an open letter to the Hon. Minister Clarence Rambharat. We write to urge our Government’s action on a critical regional threat. While this sudden, new phenomenon of Sargassum weed washing…

Another Chaguaramas Oil Spill

This video was recorded at 7 am this morning (6th May 2020). The oil appears to have been released during the night. As you can see in the video, it stretches for miles westward. It appears that …

Earth Day 2020 — FFOS warns of increased risk of oil spills…

Date: April 22nd , 2020 Dear Editor/Newsroom,  AS we face this global pandemic we must be reminded that environmental protection is more important than money or black gold (oil). The sl…

Fishermen and Friends of the Sea- FFOS (Applicant) v Environmental Management Authority- EMA (Respondent)


Fishermen and Friends of the Sea- FFOS (Appellant) v Environmental Management Authority – EMA (Respondent) And The Ministry of Works and Transport – MOWT (First Interested Party) and Kall Company Limited – KALLCO (Second Interested Party)

CASE SUMMARY JUDGEMENTS1. High Court2. Court of Appeal3. Privy Council PRESS STATEMENTS

Bhadose Sooknanan (First Applicant) and Fishermen and Friends of the Sea- FFOS (Second Applicant) v Environmental Management Authority- EMA (Respondent) and The Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs (Interested Party)


Fishermen and Friends of the Sea- FFOS (Applicant) v The Minister of Planning, Housing and the Environment


Fishermen and Friends of the Sea- FFOS (Applicant) v Environmental Management Authority- EMA (Respondent) and Atlantic LNG Company of Trinidad and Tobago (ALNG) (Respondent/Interested Party)


“Fishermen and Friends of the Sea- FFOS (Appellant) v Environmental Management Authority- EMA and BP Trinidad and Tobago LLC (Respondents)”


Let’s support our local farmers and fishers!

Date: March 23rd, 2020 Dear Editor/Newsroom, We commend the Authorities for implementing restrictions for public safety in high traffic areas such as fresh food markets, but why are supermarket busine…

Scarlet Ibis

See below link for comprehensive information on Scarlet Ibis compiled by the University of the West Indies. https://sta.uwi.edu/fst/lifesciences/sites/default/files/lifesciences/documents/ogatt/Eud…

Olive Ridley Turtle

See below link for comprehensive information on Olive Ridley Turtle compiled by the University of the West Indies. https://sta.uwi.edu/fst/lifesciences/sites/default/files/lifesciences/documents/og…

Hawksbill Turtle

See below link for comprehensive information on Hawksbill Turtle compiled by the University of the West Indies. https://sta.uwi.edu/fst/lifesciences/sites/default/files/lifesciences/documents/ogatt…

Green Turtle

See below link for comprehensive information on Green Turtle compiled by the University of the West Indies. https://sta.uwi.edu/fst/lifesciences/sites/default/files/lifesciences/documents/ogatt/Ch…

Loggerhead Turtle

See below link for comprehensive information on Loggerhead Turtle compiled by the University of the West Indies. https://sta.uwi.edu/fst/lifesciences/sites/default/files/lifesciences/images/Carett…

Leatherback Turtle

See below link for comprehensive information on Leatherback Turtle compiled by the University of the West Indies. https://sta.uwi.edu/fst/lifesciences/sites/default/files/lifesciences/documents/og…


See below link for comprehensive information on Ocelot compiled by the University of the West Indies. https://sta.uwi.edu/fst/lifesciences/sites/default/files/lifesciences/documents/ogatt/Leopardu…

Golden Tree Frog

See below link for comprehensive information on Golden Tree Frog compiled by the University of the West Indies. https://sta.uwi.edu/fst/lifesciences/sites/default/files/lifesciences/documents/ogat…

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