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See comprehensive list on relevant local Environmental Legislation , Rules, Action Plans and Strategies. Please click each listed legislation to see full document.

Table showing Full Local Environmental Legislation
Agricultural Fires Act (Chap 63.02)
Air Pollution Rules (2010)
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Trinidad (2011)
Beverage Containers Bill
Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC) Rules (Order)
Draft Waste Pollution Management Rules (2008)
Noise Pollution Control Rules
Environmental Management Act (2016 version)
The Finance Act (2018)
Fisheries Act (Chap 67.51)
Forest Act (Chap 66.01)
Litter Act (Chap. 30.52)
Marine Areas (Preservation and Enhancement) Act (chap 37.02)
Minerals Act (2000)
Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act (Chap 48.50)
Municipal Corporation Act (1990) 
National Climate Change Policy (2011)
National Environmental Policy (2018)
National Forest Policy (2011)
National Integrated Water Resources Management Policy (2006)
National Wetland Policy
National Protected Areas Policy (2011)
National Tourism Policy (2010)
Occupational Health and Safety Act (88.01)
Petroleum Act (Chap 62.01)
Public Health Ordinance
Regulated Industries Commission Act (54:73)
Shipping Act (1967)
Standards Act (1997)
Trade ordinance (1988)
Water Pollution Rules
Air Pollution Rules
PM Rowley Must Explain This Failure?

Date: January 20th, 2020 Dear Editor/Newsroom, After almost sixty years of Independence have, we learnt anything from the chronicled world-famous corruption of the Eric Williams’s administration…

Brutalizing our voiceless

Date: August 16th, 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, On 13th August 2019, in his address at the ceremony for the ‘Inter-Agency Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in Regulating Fishing a…

Threatening our right to information

Civil Society is being threatened. It is time to stand up as one united body. Our elected leaders are leading our island down the slippery slope of dictatorship, which today our Venezuelan counterpar…

Tendering leakages continue

Date: June 3rd , 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act, 2015 is finally operationalised yet billions in contracts continue to be awarded withou…

Denying the Public Right – FFOS calls for the Prime Minister to apologize to our Nation

Date: March 30th 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, On 6th March 2017, the Ministry of Works of Transport (MOWT) submitted an application to the Environment Management Authority (EMA) for a Certificat…

Runaway Powers to Persecuting Civil Society Organizations – Using a Hammer to Kill an Ant

Date: March 28th 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Dear Editor, Are we becoming a dictatorial “Police State”? The proposed “Non-Profit Organization Bill, 2019” may be passed on Friday 29t…

Persecuting Civil Society Organizations – Using a Hammer to Kill an Ant

Date: March 27th, 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Are we becoming a dictatorial “Police State”? The proposed “Non-Profit Organization Bill, 2019” may be passed on Friday 29th March, 2019 b…

Unfair Treatment ‘Defined’

Date: February 15th 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) are questioning the Government’s logic of disproportionate fines for the same offense. The Honourab…

FFOS World Wetlands Day Statement: Are we doing enough to protect our wetlands?

til and unless governmental agencies lead by example, international celebration days such as this, only serve to camouflage the plundering of our future generations entitlement.


Date: July 5th, 2018 Dear Editor/Newsroom, FFOS commends and supports the President of the Law Association, Mr. Douglas Mendes, SC, for his letters (dated Friday 29th June, 2018) to the Attor…

FFOS will comply with the Privy Council Ruling

Date: March 2nd , 2018 Dear Editor/Newsroom, On 27th November 2017 , the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council overturned the Trinidad and Tobago Appeal Court judgement handed down by Ju…

FFOS being forced to file for Injunctive Relief

Date: December 22nd 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) regret to inform you that it is being forced to consider injunctive relief against the Government. …

Environmental Democracy (UN Principle 10) not a Government Priority

Date: November 29th, 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, The recent victory of Fishermen and Friends of the Sea, (FFOS) in its challenge to the Water Pollution (Fees) Regulations, 2001 (and by extensi…

Privy council rules in favor of FFOS (Water Pollution Fees)

Date: November 27th, 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Please see attached for the Judgement handed down by the Privy Council Privy Council Rules for FFOS The Judicial Committee of the Privy…

Good Tax, Bad Tax

Date: October 6th 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) congratulate the Honourable Minister of Finance for proposing to implement an “environmental tax” of $2…

Why delay Beverage Container Bill?

Date: June 1st , 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Why delay Beverage Containers Bill? When business leaders lead, the world gets closer to sustainability. Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (F…