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Other Mangrove Degradation

Supplemental EIA for Invaders Bay

c/o #34 Frederick Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies Tel (868) 674-7911. Fax: (868) 355-7671. Cell: (868) 355-7671 Email: [email protected]  Press Statement  Supplemental …

Other Mangrove Degradation

Green washing the environment

Date: February 12th 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Now that the dust has settled on the United Nations (UN) celebrated World Wetlands Day (February 2nd), Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) qu…

FFOS World Wetlands Day Statement: Are we doing enough to protect our wetlands?

til and unless governmental agencies lead by example, international celebration days such as this, only serve to camouflage the plundering of our future generations entitlement.

Mangrove destroyed today – lawlessness breeds lawlessness

Date: June 29th, 2018 Dear Editor/Newsroom, The press release below was intended as a warning for the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) to prevent the destruction of the Cuesa River an…

No excuse for Ignorance

Date: February 27th 2018 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Dr. Rowley has encouraged lawlessness and disrespects his office when he broadcasts falsehoods about the Toco Manzanilla Highway. The Prime Minis…

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