While our sea and fish continue to be contaminated by cancer causing poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the Ministry and Government have a “duty of care” to ensure enforcement of the law “without fear or favor”.
Mangrove destroyed today – lawlessness breeds lawlessness
Date: June 29th, 2018 Dear Editor/Newsroom, The press release below was intended as a warning for the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) to prevent the destruction of the Cuesa River and the surrounding mangroves by the Chaguaramas Development Authority (CDA). The Chairman of the CDA knows from his land holdings in Manzanilla the critical importance of mangrove ecosystems. The law is […]
Why is the fingerprinting secret?
Unless there is social justice for our people by the firm enforcement of Law, the foundation of our democracy will continue to crumble.
Who is the Government Protecting?
Why are the public and primary stakeholders being kept in the dark? Is the Government protecting someone?
Public warning to all fishermen and mariners of the Gulf of Paria
Date: October 16th 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) hereby warn all seafarers and fisher-folk from the Cocorite, Charlieville, Felicity, Brick Field, Orange Valley, Carli Bay and Claxton Bay to exercise caution and be on the lookout for very large volumes of this thick black oil. On Saturday 14th October 2017, a massive oil spill occurred […]
Dr Rowley’s compensation nightmare has happened! Another oil spill in the Gulf
If FFOS did not report this disaster, would it have gone unnoticed?
FFOS responds to IMA: Bait Dump vs. Fish Kill in Chaguaramas
FFOS continue to appeal to the Government and our environmental institutions to share this eminent scientific analysis, or to conduct scientific analysis (if none has been done) instead of blurting out ad hoc second hand rumors which are disgracing the integrity and reputation of the Institution and jeopardizing the entire foundation on which the IMA was founded.
The Chaguaramas Fish Kill Continues……
Date: May 25th , 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, The Chaguaramas Fish Kill Continues……. Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) report that on Monday 22nd May at 6.30pm, tens of thousands of dead fishes including red herring mixed with demersal species were observed floating in the Chaguaramas Basin closer to Almoorings Fishing Co-operative. (See pictures attached). The IMA/EMA joint statement stated […]
Chaguaramas once again covered with dead fish
Date: May 19th , 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Chaguaramas once again covered with dead Fish Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) are once again reporting that presently as we write Calypso Marina, in Chaguaramas is presently covered with dead fish. The Institute of Marine Affairs (IMA) and the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) have continuously stated in the past that this […]
Dead fishes by the thousands in Chaguaramas
Date: May 11th , 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) have received pictures today (Thursday 11th may 2017) which clearly show larger fishes such as catfish, are now washing up dead in addition, to the dead Sardines, Joshua and Herring which were observed for the past few days, covering the coastal waters of Chaguaramas from Island […]