Summary Report: Dec 17th 2013 Oil Spill, La Brea, Trinidad (see downloadable PDF for media and laboratory report links)
On 17th December 2013, 7,554 barrels of Bunker C fuel oil spilled into the Gulf of Paria. It was speculated that the oil spill was a direct result of poorly maintained sea lines owned by the state owned company Petrotrin. These sea lines, which had not been inspected for over 17 years ruptured and directly affected the coastal areas from […]
Fish kill or Fish dump? You decide.
Date: July 21st , 2018 Dear Editor/Newsroom, According to the IMA in an article published on 6th July 2017 “Fish gulping for air at the surface, would indicate a contaminant was present in the water and that the kill was an ongoing event”. On Friday 20th July Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) once again visited Point Sable Beach […]
La Brea: Fish kill or fish dump?
Date: June 30th , 2018 Dear Editor/Newsroom, For the past 52 months since the 2013 Petrotrin oil spills, sudden, major and ongoing fish kills have been re-occurring daily in the “clearly defined Petrotrin Red Zone area” from Mosquito Creek to Point Fortin with concentrated mortalities in the Aripero Lagoon area off La Brea. La Brea- Fish Kill or fish Dump? […]
Public health threat…statements must be supported by science, not speculation
Date: June 18th, 2018 Dear Editor/Newsroom, FFOS take strong objection to unsubstantiated and speculative statements. At the beginning of every rainy season since the December 17th 2013 Petrotrin oil spill, literally hundreds of thousands of dead fish, pelicans, magnificent frigate birds, corbeaux, bottlenose dolphins, shrimp, crabs, stingrays and other marine creatures wash ashore dead or dying on the beaches of […]
Government must act lawfully
Unless our Authorities act with haste a serious public endangerment will continue. FFOS will continue on its sometimes lonely pilgrimage to protect the voiceless.
The Lagoon of Doom- Death on Carat Shed Beach, La Brea
Who is protecting the vulnerable human and nonhuman communities exposed to the toxic and fatal COREXIT 9500? Who is speaking for the marine animals who reside in this area and continue to die day after day? Unless there is social, economic and ecological justice our nation will continue to suffer.
FFOS responds to IMA: Bait Dump vs. Fish Kill in Chaguaramas
FFOS continue to appeal to the Government and our environmental institutions to share this eminent scientific analysis, or to conduct scientific analysis (if none has been done) instead of blurting out ad hoc second hand rumors which are disgracing the integrity and reputation of the Institution and jeopardizing the entire foundation on which the IMA was founded.
La Brea Community Sentenced to Death
Unless our Government treats this health disaster with a matter of extreme urgency, they will continue to endorse the endangerment of public life and public health. This is no matter to play politics with and those that do should be held accountable.
World Environmental Day must be more than lip service….
Date: June 3rd , 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, World Environment Day must be more than lip service… Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) are proud that the United Nations has designated June 5th as World Environment Day… but what does this day mean without action? Globally and locally, there is little or poorly enforced maritime legislation, and no Trans-boundary Marine […]