Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) today recognizes World Oceans Day 2021. It is safe to say that after almost 30 years of recognizing this day Trinidad and Tobago has shown no significant change to improve our invaluable marine environment. As an island nation our oceans should be of utmost importance to us as they not only provide a […]
World Environment Day 2021
Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) recognize World Environment Day 2021. In spite of nearly 50 years of this United Nations celebration, and in spite of decades of activism, what have we really accomplished? Have we, our region or our world taken sufficient steps to improve our environment and our affected health? The simple answer is not nearly enough. […]
There is no Planet B
In celebrating the 51st Earth Day, FFOS reflect on environmental management in TT. Earth is our home but for decades our voiceless and vulnerable have been at the mercy of destructive (often) State sponsored projects. Unlike our regional counterparts, we have progressively modernized environmental legislation, funded an Environmental Management Authority (EMA) tasked with the protection of our environment, and initiated the Green […]
Earth Day 2020 — FFOS warns of increased risk of oil spills…
Date: April 22nd , 2020 Dear Editor/Newsroom, AS we face this global pandemic we must be reminded that environmental protection is more important than money or black gold (oil). The slowdown in global oil consumption and the collapse of the price of oil means that less oil is being purchased or refined yet our wells continue to extract. Trinidad has an aging infrastructure, […]
Green washing the environment
Date: February 12th 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Now that the dust has settled on the United Nations (UN) celebrated World Wetlands Day (February 2nd), Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) question the purpose of this day when everywhere in T&T wetlands are being destroyed. What is the purpose of internationally celebrated days if the law is not enforced on the […]
World Wetlands Day Sham
Until and unless we are able to stand up together to expose the truth, we will all continue to fail our children’s children, depriving them of their entitlement of a world where clean air can be breathed, fish can be caught … and eaten, clean water can be drunk, clean food can be grown… or are we there already?
FFOS World Wetlands Day Statement: Are we doing enough to protect our wetlands?
til and unless governmental agencies lead by example, international celebration days such as this, only serve to camouflage the plundering of our future generations entitlement.
World Environmental Day must be more than lip service….
Date: June 3rd , 2017 Dear Editor/Newsroom, World Environment Day must be more than lip service… Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) are proud that the United Nations has designated June 5th as World Environment Day… but what does this day mean without action? Globally and locally, there is little or poorly enforced maritime legislation, and no Trans-boundary Marine […]