The enigma of sustainable development in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) is one of life’s greatest mysteries. In the 119 years of T&T’s hydrocarbon industry, the idea of economic diversification has been parroted by charlatan politicians on either side of the aisle. The newest advocate of sustainable economic diversification is our PM Rowley, who in a recent address lamented the fact […]
Dancing on the OPR’s Grave
Five months after a dagger was wrenched into the heart of our fleeting aspirations for transparency and accountability in Governments buying and selling, our Leaders have returned to dance on the Office of the Procurement Regulator’s (OPR) grave. Unbeknownst to the public, PM Rowley and his Cabinet have clandestinely brought to Parliament an evil far worse than the amendments to […]
FFOS Appeal to President Weekes
Today Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) have written to Her Excellency, President Paula Mae Weekes (ORTT), appealing to her to not proclaim the Public Procurement and Disposal of Property (Amendment) Bill (2021) until our Government meets with the public to address several concerns raised by numerous independent third parties regarding the purpose/benefit of these amendments. For months the […]
Come Together in Defence of Each Other
Date: March 11th, 2020 Dear Editor/Newsroom, At the onset of the coronavirus, FFOS had publicly called for a national consultation to discuss the need for a coordinated national preparedness and emergency response plan including mitigation and contingency planning so as to minimize the risk and/or impact of this national threat. In 6 weeks, there has been none, and the entire […]
PM Rowley Must Explain This Failure?
Date: January 20th, 2020 Dear Editor/Newsroom, After almost sixty years of Independence have, we learnt anything from the chronicled world-famous corruption of the Eric Williams’s administration? Today a whole new generation of unconscionable politicians have repopulated the supply and demand landscape and nothing has changed. It is as easy to be corrupt today as it was 60 years ago. For […]
Call for Commission of Inquiry?
Date: January 14th, 2020 Dear Editor/Newsroom, We commend the Express investigative report dated January 12th, 2020 and titled “Raking it in from Govt rent” which amplifies a scandalous fact- we are throwing away our children’s wealth. After the Manning administration promised our nation that the building of the Port of Spain Waterfront would save our country hundreds of millions in […]
National Pride or National Disgrace?
Date: December 18th, 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, To read that the Urban Development Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (UDeCOTT) has now spent 89 million TT dollars to renovate an already built and frequently well maintained President’s house is simply an insult to our national intelligence and integrity and a slap in the face of all of our suffering flood victims. […]
Auditor General Ignored
Date: December 6 th, 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, On Thursday 28th November 2019 the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) issued a statement that officers of the “Illegal Quarrying Unit” arrested twenty-two (22) persons and seized several excavators for illegal quarrying. Fishermen and Friends of the Sea, (FFOS) congratulate this unit, but where have they been for all these years? Taxpayers […]
PM Must Speak the Truth on DESALCOTT
Date: October 22 nd, 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, It has been revealed that the Government is currently negotiating another loan, this time to pay for the yearly 500MTTD purchase of potable water from DESALCOTT. At the Standing Finance Committee held on 21st October 2019, Dr. Keith Rowley stated that the result of an expanded contract with DESALCOTT “has bankrupted WASA permanently” […]