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Safeguarding Our Country’s Future

Safeguarding Our Country’s Future

Date: January 24th, 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, For over 20 years, Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) have consistently reported on the impact of seismic surveys on our fishers citing United Nations and other internationally published scientific studies. In 2017, the University of Tasmania presented evidence which argues that “seismic surveys cause significant mortality to zooplankton populations”. All larval krill […]

Who benefits from delay?

Who benefits from delay?

Until the public has been fully consulted on any parliamentary amendments, the notorious corruption of our hooded public officers will continue to erode our children’s future by draining our Treasury, giving away our patrimony and neutering our public interest movements.

FFOS defends the right to information

FFOS defends the right to information

Date: June 12th, 2019 Dear Editor/Newsroom, Today 12th June 2019, Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) have filed a High Court Judicial Review action with eminent Queens Counsel challenging the decision of the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) to deny the public and civil society groups (like FFOS) complete copies of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports. The matter has been […]

FFOS will not be silenced

FFOS will not be silenced

FFOS and other civic-minded organizations have become crippled in terms of its ability to meaningfully participate in the decision-making process embodied in the Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC) Rules, 2001 of the Environmental Management Act, 2000.

Public Attacks Unwarranted FFOS is standing up now to the Rule of Law

Public Attacks Unwarranted FFOS is standing up now to the Rule of Law

Date: January 20th 2018 Dear Editor/Newsroom, FFOS are being criticized based on misinformation and petty bias. Throughout its twenty years of advocacy for sustainable development which means economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources and meets the needs of present and future generations. From inception, FFOS have advocated for sustainable fisheries, never for a ban on fishing. […]