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There is no Planet B

There is no Planet B

In celebrating the 51st Earth Day, FFOS reflect on environmental management in TT. Earth is our home but for decades our voiceless and vulnerable have been at the mercy of destructive (often) State sponsored projects. Unlike our regional counterparts, we have progressively modernized environmental legislation, funded an Environmental Management Authority (EMA) tasked with the protection of our environment, and initiated the Green […]

Our Ongoing Waste Crisis

Our Ongoing Waste Crisis

Dear Editor/Newsroom,  On 12th April 2021, before a Joint Select Committee, Mr. Ronald Milford, Solid Waste Management Company Limited (SWMCOL) Chairman stated that 95% (700,000 tons) of our country’s waste is dumped annually into landfills. Whilst Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) acknowledge the Chairman’s concerns, SWMCOL has failed in its 40-year existence to develop an adequate garbage sorting […]

FFOS Appeal to President Weekes

FFOS Appeal to President Weekes

Today Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) have written to Her Excellency, President Paula Mae Weekes (ORTT), appealing to her to not proclaim the Public Procurement and Disposal of Property (Amendment) Bill (2021) until our Government meets with the public to address several concerns raised by numerous independent third parties regarding the purpose/benefit of these amendments. For months the […]